by Joseph Hensgens, South Central Region
I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year as we get straight to a busy start for many of our respective operations. As always, we can’t control Mother Nature so all we can do is pray for guidance and be thankful for all we have been blessed with.
Joe Hensgens
It has been an honor for ASA to have Dr. Wade Shafer at our helm for many years, and we cannot thank him enough for his wisdom and most importantly his dedication to ASA and the beef industry. I surely hope to continue to hear his name around after his official retirement later this year. With him being such an integral part of ASA’s success, I have confidence that our Association will remain steadfast in the science he has proven, and will move to even greater heights in the US and around the world to benefit our membership for many years to come.
It will be a busy year ahead for ASA, and we hope to keep pushing the needle on all facets of our Association to keep serving and improving. With markets at all-time highs, we can’t help but appreciate the fruits of our labor. With that being said, we have to be looking ahead for when the market turns to keep our products and services relevant and at the forefront of the industry. I truly believe we can maintain and improve current market share, but most importantly, expand into new markets that SimGenetics has yet to tap into.
Good luck to all this New Year! .