Sale Catalog Resources Added to ASA Website
Looking to add some information about EPD and indexes, genomics, the IGS multi-breed genetic evaluation, or the benefits of participating in ASA’s programs to your sale catalog? Look no further!
ASA has compiled a folder with various resources like logos, camera-ready ads, and answers to frequently asked questions that can be used in sale catalogs or other marketing materials. Visit and click on “Sale Catalog Resources” under the Marketing tab to view the material.
Hydrops Update: TraitTrac and a Recommended Marketing Statement
ASA has been investigating a developing genetic condition that causes Hydrops pregnancies in a certain line of Simmental genetics. Here are some updates in relation to this research and ASA’s actions/suggestions:
Hydrops has been added to Herdbook’s TraitTrac with WS All Aboard B80 listed as a documented carrier. At this time there are no genetic holds placed on his descendants as there is not a DNA test available yet. Once there is a test, then Hydrops will follow the same policy as other genetic conditions.
Female progeny who are descendants of or are directly sired by WS All Aboard B80 (ASA# 2852207) are at risk for carrying a genetic abnormality called Hydrops. Daughters may develop a serious condition during late gestation that results in excess fluid in the fetal membrane, which typically causes the loss of the calf and occasionally the dam. There is no current test at this time to identify animals carrying this mutation. Research is ongoing regarding the transmission of the abnormality, and to develop a genetic test. Helping our producers navigate this issue is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore, given that there is neither a full understanding of this condition nor a test, careful consideration should be given regarding the question of whether to breed WS All Aboard B80 descendant females until more information is available to breeders.
For questions regarding established WS All Aboard B80 genetics, Hydrops symptoms, reporting an active case, or additional information, please visit the Hydrops Information Center at or reach out to Jackie Atkins at
DNA Updates
DNA Research Fee Application
DNA research fees are $1/minute and may apply to parentage rechecks, misidentified samples, or other scenarios involving unusual increase in staff time. Each case is unique, so estimating the final charge is difficult. If there are a significant number of animals not qualifying to a parent(s), please reach out to the DNA Department to discuss a rough estimate of time and cost.
Testing Timeline
Allow 4–5 weeks. Please communicate any deadlines you may be working with to the ASA DNA staff. Expedited and tracked shipping is always recommended when ordering kits and shipping samples to Neogen.
$30 DNA Research Fee
Sample packages sent to the ASA office (with or without paperwork), instead of the lab, will incur a $30 research fee. With the exception of research projects (CHR, CCG, CXP), all samples are to be sent directly to the lab with ASA paperwork.
TSU/Applicator Price Increase
Due to rising costs from the TSU manufacturer AllFlex™, ASA has increased the price of TSU sampling kits to $22 per box. Each box will still include ten individual tissue sampling units. The cost of TSU applicators has also been increased to $90 each.
Semen Sample Fee
There is a $7.20 processing fee for all semen straws and/or semen samples submitted to Neogen for DNA testing.
Second Quarter Check-Off Dollars Available
December 31 marks the end of the second quarter in ASA’s fiscal year. State associations wishing to claim their second quarter check-off dollars can do so at any time by visiting and completing the “Promotional Check-off Dollars Request Form” found in the Membership/State Association section. Remember that cost share reimbursement requests can be sent at any time. For the complete cost share program guidelines and reimbursement request directions, visit ASA’s website. Contact Callie Cooley at
2025 Year-Letter is N
In accordance with the Beef Improvement Federation guidelines, the year-letter animal identification for 2025 is N, and will be followed by P in 2026, and R in 2027. The letter M was the year-letter designated during 2024. Per the BIF guidelines, the following letters are not used: I, O, Q, and V.
DNA Research Programs Continue
The Calf Crop Genomic (CCG) testing project and Cow Herd DNA Roundup (CHR) continue to accept new submissions. The CCG offers a 50% off GGP-100K genomic test including parentage ($25 compared to $50 equivalent test) to participating breeders who test their entire calf crop group.
The CHR program also continues to accept new herds. The project tests females at $25 per sample for a GGP100K genomic test. Members must test 90% of their calving-age cows to qualify for the reduced price. When members submit mature cow body weights and body condition scores or hip heights on 90% of their calving-age cows, they will receive a $5 credit to their account for each reported cow. Cows must be 18 months of age or older when mature cow measurements are taken to qualify for the $5 credit. The $5 credit will only be applied once in an animal’s life. For example, if a member received a credit for the phenotypes in 2018 for that cow, they cannot receive another credit for the same cow with a new weight and BCS in 2019.
Additional requirements apply for both programs. Please visit, and email
Digital Certificates Available
ASA now offers members the option to download official digital certificates for registered animals. ASA no longer scans and emails or faxes copies of printed certificates, and is encouraging shows, sales, and other events to utilize digital certificates. Digital certificates are the easiest, most reliable way to obtain an official record quickly. To download a digital certificate, search for your registered animal on Herdbook. If you are logged in and the animal is registered in good standing, there will be a button to download a digital certificate. Only the current owner of an animal can access the digital certificate. Please contact the registrations department at